Steve Harvey Stunned by Wife’s “Family Feud” Answer

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Steve Harvey Gets Roasted on Celebrity Family Feud – By His Own Wife!

Comedian and Family Feud host Steve Harvey is used to dishing out the playful jabs, but the tables were turned when his wife, Marjorie, appeared on Celebrity Family Feud. The show’s producers clearly sensed an opportunity for some hilarious family drama, and they didn’t disappoint.

The first round saw Marjorie facing off against her own mother, Dorris. When Steve read the survey question, “Some days I’d be willing to trade my man for a really good what?”, Marjorie didn’t hesitate to buzz in with a surprising answer: “Pool boy!”

The audience erupted in laughter as Steve’s jaw dropped. “With what?

What did you say?” he stammered, clearly caught off guard.

Marjorie, between fits of giggles, insisted she was joking, but a playfully indignant Steve wasn’t letting her off the hook that easily. He dramatically turned the microphone toward her, demanding she repeat the answer.

When she reached for his hand, he jokingly swatted it away, exclaiming, “Get your damn hand off of me. Trade me in for no damn pool boy!”

Adding insult to injury, the answer “Young Stud” appeared on the board, a close-enough equivalent to Marjorie’s response. A still-reeling Steve then pleaded with his mother-in-law to top Marjorie’s answer, which Dorris successfully did with “A rich man.”

The Harveys may have been playfully sparring on stage, but the family ultimately worked together throughout the game. Despite the initial “pool boy” incident, Marjorie redeemed herself, helping her team, Harvey’s Girls, steal points with a safer answer: “A vacation.”

The good-natured ribbing continued online, with fans relishing the on-screen exchange. One YouTube commenter joked about Steve firing the pool boy after the show, while another highlighted Steve’s priceless reaction to his wife’s answer.

Despite the early laughs at Steve’s expense, Harvey’s Boys ultimately triumphed and advanced to the Bonus Round. Although Marjorie racked up an impressive 163 points in the fast-paced final round, the team narrowly missed winning the $25,000 prize for charity. But the real prize may have been the hilarious family moment that had everyone talking.

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