Friends Build Million-Dollar Business Together

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From Finance to Freedom: A Crypto Entrepreneur’s Journey

Salim Elhila’s path to becoming a multimillionaire wasn’t a straight line. In his early 20s, he ditched a promising finance career and a comfortable life in Australia to explore the open road in a rented van. He craved freedom and a life less ordinary.

His travels led him to Bali, where a chance encounter with a beachside entrepreneur sparked an idea. Inspired by the possibilities of e-commerce, Elhila returned to Morocco, borrowed some money from his parents, and launched his own online business. He quickly found success selling Gameboy-style phone cases, proving his entrepreneurial spirit.

But e-commerce wasn’t Elhila’s true calling. His fascination with cryptocurrency led him to Tan Gera, a like-minded entrepreneur with a knack for crypto investing. The two clicked instantly, both personally and professionally, and in 2022, they founded Decentralized Masters.

Their company, which educates traditional investors about the world of crypto, quickly gained traction. In just a year, Decentralized Masters generated over $13 million in revenue, making Elhila a multimillionaire.

The secret to their success? Elhila and Gera are a study in contrasts.

Elhila describes them as Yin and Yang – he’s the creative force, while Gera brings structure and order. Their complementary skills have proven to be a winning combination.

Today, the two are inseparable, both in business and in life. They live in the same Dubai apartment building, just a few floors apart, and their families have become close.

They even travel together, balancing business trips with vacations and spiritual retreats. With a team of personal assistants, chefs, and trainers optimizing their daily lives, they’re committed to maintaining a sustainable pace for decades to come.

Their story is a testament to the power of following your passions and finding the right partner to share the journey.

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