Tweens Bypass Parental Controls, Earn Thousands from Google

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Security Expert’s Daughters Outsmart Parental Controls, Earn Bug Bounty Rewards

A software security expert learned a valuable lesson about parental controls – sometimes, kids are just too clever. Dustin Kirkland, vice president of engineering at Chainguard, shared his story of how his two daughters, ages 11 and 12, bypassed security settings on their family’s Android devices.

Kirkland, a former Google employee, felt confident in the security measures he had in place. However, his older daughter, Camille, proved him wrong.

For months, Camille was able to override time limits on her tablet, cleverly granting herself parental access. When confronted, she revealed her method, prompting a family discussion about responsible tech use and a call with a family friend at Google.

Camille then documented her discovery in a vulnerability report to Google, which earned her a $500 reward.

Camille’s success sparked a competitive spirit in her younger sister, Corinne. Determined to find her own vulnerability, Corinne discovered a flaw in their Chromecast setup.

By rapidly clicking the home button on their TV remote, she could bypass the parental code and access adult profiles. Google acknowledged Corinne’s find with a $5,000 reward.

Both girls invested their earnings and proudly sport “Bug Hunters” hoodies from Google. The experience also opened a dialogue about online safety. In their reports, the sisters expressed concern about the potential negative impact on other children who might stumble upon inappropriate content.

While proud of their ingenuity, Kirkland emphasizes the greater lesson learned. His daughters not only discovered technical vulnerabilities but also developed a strong sense of digital citizenship, understanding the importance of responsible online behavior. This, he says, is more valuable than any monetary reward.

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