Ex-Husband and New Wife at the Office Now, Thanks to RTO

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Torn Between “Severance” and Reality: My Ex, His New Wife, and the Return-to-Office Mandate

Like many, I’ve been captivated by the Apple TV show “Severance,” which explores the intriguing concept of surgically separating work and personal memories. The show’s premise resonated with me, but little did I know how ironically relevant it would become to my own life. My company recently announced a mandatory return-to-office policy, shattering my peaceful work-from-home existence and forcing me to confront a very personal and awkward situation.

My workplace is also the place where I met my ex-husband two decades ago. We married in 2005, but eventually divorced amicably after 13 years.

Following the divorce, I rejoined the same company in 2018, thankfully with a remote work arrangement. This allowed me to maintain a comfortable distance from my past and focus on my career.

Now, after five years of productive remote work, I’m being summoned back to the office, a place that holds a significant amount of emotional baggage for me. To make matters even more complicated, my ex-husband still works there, as does his new wife, whom he also met at the company.

I expressed my concerns to HR, explaining the discomfort of this situation, but was informed that no exceptions would be made without a medical reason. While I understand the company’s desire to foster “workplace culture,” for me, this forced proximity to my ex and his new wife is a constant, unwelcome reminder of a painful chapter in my life.

While many of my colleagues share the general return-to-office grumbles, my situation is unique. I’m not simply transitioning back to an office environment; I’m also confronting a significant piece of my personal history.

Every encounter in the hallway will be a reminder of past mistakes and what could have been. While my ex-husband and I consciously chose to move forward and rebuild our lives separately, this mandate feels like an unwelcome intrusion on that autonomy.

Despite my apprehension, I’m trying to remain optimistic. Perhaps the change of scenery and social interaction will be beneficial. However, part of me still fantasizes about the possibility of that memory-splitting surgery from “Severance.”

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