WWII Map Leads to Family Treasure

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A remarkable tale of family history and a promise kept has emerged, featuring a hand-drawn map, buried treasure, and a son’s unwavering determination.

Jan Glazewski, 69, recently unearthed a treasure trove of family heirlooms buried for over 80 years in what is now Lviv, Ukraine. The treasure was originally buried by Glazewski’s family in Poland during the tumultuous early days of World War II as the threat of Russian invasion loomed.

Hoping to safeguard their valuables, the family interred jewels, mementos, and other precious items near their home. Unable to return after the war, the treasure remained hidden until Jan, guided by a map meticulously drawn from memory by his late father, embarked on a quest to recover it.

Following his father’s instructions, Jan journeyed through fields and forests to the location of his family’s former estate. Using a metal detector, he located the buried box, unearthing a poignant connection to his past.

Among the recovered items were jewels that belonged to his mother, who passed away when he was a child. “Finding these jewels was like touching a piece of my mother’s legacy that was locked in time,” Jan shared.

He described the experience as both fulfilling a childhood dream and honoring a promise to his father.

The recovered treasures, including jewelry, a family-engraved baptismal spoon, and other personal artifacts, are valued at thousands of dollars. However, for Jan, their significance extends far beyond monetary worth, representing a tangible link to his family history and a testament to his father’s enduring memory.

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