Boss’s Shocking Answer on Family Feud Stuns Steve Harvey

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Game Show Host Steve Harvey Gets Schooled on ‘Family Feud’

Comedian and game show host Steve Harvey is known for his quick wit and playful ribbing of contestants on “Family Feud.” However, sometimes the joke ends up being on him. A recent episode saw Harvey’s playful teasing backfire when a contestant’s seemingly scandalous answer turned out to be surprisingly valid.

The question posed was, “Not many people have seen you naked. Name one.”

Contestants offered up predictable responses like “children,” “husband,” and “parents.” Then came contestant Jaymee, who answered, “My boss.”

The audience and fellow contestants reacted with shock and amusement, while Harvey leaned back, clearly anticipating a missed answer. Jaymee seemed confused, asking, “Wait.

Did I answer wrong?” Harvey, assuming she misunderstood the question, quipped, “You thought I said who hasn’t?

You the only one in this damn building.”

Much to Harvey’s surprise, “boss” was indeed on the board. A slightly embarrassed Jaymee still seemed unsure of her answer, prompting Harvey to joke, “She still don’t want the answer. That’s what you call job security!”

While Jaymee’s family initially seemed poised for victory, they quickly accumulated three strikes with incorrect answers like “grandparents” and “best friend.” The opposing family capitalized on their opponents’ misfortune, stealing the round with the answer, “Your ex, Steve,” directed playfully at Harvey himself. The episode served as a humorous reminder that on “Family Feud,” even the host can be caught off guard.

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