Babysitter Finds Man Hiding Under Child’s Bed

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A Kansas babysitter’s monster-under-the-bed check turned into a real-life nightmare when she found a man hiding there. The Barton County Sheriff’s Office reported the incident, which occurred near Great Bend, Kansas, on Monday around 10:30 pm.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, the babysitter was trying to reassure a child when she made the shocking discovery. After being discovered, the man, later identified as Martin Villalobos Jr., 27, knocked over the babysitter and child as he fled the scene.

Villalobos, who once lived at the residence, had a protection from abuse order requiring him to stay away from the property. After a brief search, authorities apprehended Villalobos the following day. He is currently held in the Barton County Jail on a $500,000 bond, facing multiple charges including child endangerment, aggravated burglary, and aggravated kidnapping.

The Sheriff’s Office Facebook post about the incident drew numerous comments, ranging from praise for the babysitter’s bravery to calls for stricter enforcement of protection orders. Many expressed concern for the emotional well-being of the babysitter and children involved.

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