Accused GOP fake electors attack indictment, argue it should be dismissed

Attorneys for Nevada’s accused Republican fake electors attacked the December grand jury indictment against them , saying it was filed in the wrong county and contains fatal defects.

Lawyers Richard Wright, Maggie McLetchie and Monti Levy asked for the indictment against six electors — including Nevada Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald — to be dismissed.

McDonald and the others — now-Clark County Republican Party Chairman Jesse Law, Nevada Republican National Committeeman James DeGraffenreid, Eileen Rice, James Hindle III and Shawn Meehan — were indicted by a Clark County grand jury last month on charges including filing a false instrument, just before the statute of limitations expired. The electors met in Carson City on Dec. 14, 2020 and signed documents maintaining that former President Donald Trump had won the Nevada election, instead of the actual winner, Joe Biden.

The ceremony was held as part of a nationwide plan by attorneys for Trump to try to overturn election results in states that Biden had won. Similar certificates were filed by Republican electors in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Charges have also been filed against Republican electors in Michigan and Georgia, and investigations are ongoing in others.

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