Nevada families struggle putting food on the table as grocery prices rise

Nevadans are dishing up more cash for groceries than almost every other state in the country.

A recent Help Advisor’s report shows Nevada residents spend the second-highest amount on groceries per week in the United States. That’s leaving many families in the valley struggling to afford the food they are putting on the table.

As Las Vegas resident Tara Cruz left a grocery store with food for her family of four, she told me how buying groceries is becoming an unbearable financial strain.

“Very challenging, I have seen them like triple, definitely triple the prices like overnight,” Cruz said.

I asked her how hard it is to keep up with prices.

“Very hard. I hear other customers say they go to several different stores because they say the prices are higher for some things in certain stores and lower in others,” Cruz said.

Cruz’s story is all too familiar for many families in Nevada. According to data from a U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey, Nevada is the second most expensive state for groceries nationwide, with residents spending an average of $294.76 a week.

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