Advocates argue for a standalone children’s hospital in Southern Nevada

Southern Nevada has more than half a million kids, but many families still have to leave the state for specialized medical care.

With our population growing, the need for a standalone children’s hospital is becoming more urgent. Las Vegas remains the largest metropolitan area in the United States without a dedicated children’s hospital, and that lack of care is taking a toll.

You may be wondering, what about UMC and Sunrise Children’s Hospitals? Yes, they operate here in Las Vegas, but — as important as they are — advocates still say it’s not enough to meet the demand for highly specialized care.

WATCH | Paul Umbach of Tripp Umbach explains how a standalone children’s hospital is different from current pediatric care in the valley.

Paul Umbach on standalone children’s hospital in southern Nevada

As I continue covering the state of healthcare here in Southern Nevada, I went to UNLV where leaders, families and community members came together to discuss how a standalone hospital could make a huge difference.

Story continues