Las Vegas parents hear child for the first time after life-saving surgery

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Imagine your child cannot make a sound or taste and can barely breathe. That was a reality a Las Vegas family faced when their child was born. Now after months of care, their baby is able to make noise for the first time.

Just hearing noise from 19-month-old Asher has been a long journey for this family.

“It’s crazy to go 19 months not hearing your baby’s voice,” Asher’s mother Rebecca Davila explained.

“You take for granted we have other kids, and you get to hear them coo or cry,” Asher’s father Bryan Davila said.

The silence was defying for Asher’s parents as his airways were 99% closed.

“He spent a total of 13 weeks in the PICU and he ended up coming home with a tracheotomy. He developed something called subglottic stenosis, a fancy word for closure of the airway,” Rebecca said.

He needed surgery and a specialist in airway reconstruction was all the way in Boston. They needed help with medical bills piling up and the cost to get to Boston out of reach. Help came from Las Vegas-based non-profit Miracle Flights.

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