Parents of Lourdes student killed in boat crash want answers. They turned to a court

The family of the 17-year-old Lourdes student killed in a boat crash on Labor Day weekend in 2022 — frustrated by police and prosecutors’ investigation — asked a Miami-Dade judge to help them obtain evidence in the case.

During a hearing Wednesday, prosecutor Ruben Scolavino vowed to turn over any documents the state has “in our custody and control” in the case of George Pino, a real estate broker who’s charged with misdemeanor careless boating offenses in connection to the crash that claimed the life of Lucy Fernandez.

Lucy’s family, however, won’t be able to obtain some of the evidence they explicitly requested, including Pino’s cellphone records, after Miami-Dade County Court Judge Lizzet Martinez ruled that the request was out of the court’s jurisdiction.

On Sept. 4, 2022, Pino and his wife Cecilia Pino took their daughter and 11 of her friends on a boating outing for her 18th birthday. The celebration ended when the 29-foot Robalo operated by Pino struck a channel marker, launching all 14 people on board into Biscayne Bay.

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