‘Stop, you are killing me’: Son enraged over father getting ‘the vaccine’ allegedly beats him to death

A man beat his father to death while on the phone with a woman and ranting, according to a probable cause affidavit out of Palm Beach County, Florida.

“He is under my foot,” Brian John Mcgann Jr., 44, allegedly told the listener while he was killing Brian John Mcgann Sr.

The woman, a family friend, described the defendant as a conspiracy theorist who had recently started using cocaine and was upset his father had gotten, in the affidavit’s paraphrasing, “the vaccine.”

According to documents, the woman said that Mcgann Jr. called her Sunday night and told her frantically to pack her possessions and leave the home because, in his words, “He was going to be dead.”

She found this troubling and strange because she lived in the Clayton County community of Middleburg — far up in the north of the state. Palm Beach County is in the southern portion of Florida near Miami.

Mcgann Jr. allegedly said inexplicably that he was being chased by law enforcement, but he later admitted that he was, in fact, not being chased.

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