Billionaire Ken Griffin Moves Citadel to Florida: New Details Emerge on Massive South Florida HQ

If you’ve been following the journey of billionaire Ken Griffin, you’re probably aware of his significant move from Illinois to Florida, along with his company, Citadel. Griffin’s relocation has been making waves, particularly with his substantial donations to various Florida institutions, making it clear that he’s here to stay. Now, it looks like Griffin is solidifying his presence even further with plans for a massive new office tower in South Florida, and we’re finally getting a closer look at what this development entails.

Citadel’s Expansion in South Florida

Back in June 2024, Citadel made headlines when it announced that it would be expanding its current office space by taking up eight floors at 830 Brickell Plaza. This expansion was necessary due to yet another wave of hiring, reflecting the company’s growing presence and influence in the region.

Unveiling the New Brickell Headquarters

The real buzz, however, centers around Citadel’s plans for its future headquarters in Miami. Companies connected to Ken Griffin have already filed a pre-application with Miami-Dade County, sparking interest and speculation. While initial details were limited, we now have a clearer picture of what to expect.

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