New law could make it okay to jaywalk

HONOLULU (KHON2) — Should people be allowed to cross the street outside a marked crosswalk? There’s a bill this legislative session that wants to give pedestrians more freedom when it comes to crossing the road, as long as it’s safe.

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It’s called the freedom to walk bill (HB1623) and it’s intended to encourage people to walk more by putting fewer restrictions on pedestrians. It would allow them to use good judgment when crossing the street and not be required to cross in a marked crosswalk.

Rep. Chris Todd (D) who represents portions of Hilo down to Keaau reintroduced the bill this session after it failed to pass last year.

“This bill would not make it suddenly legal for you to just leap into traffic and cross the road,” Todd explained. “But if you’re in an area, that’s very low traffic, there’s no cars in sight, and there’s really no danger added by crossing without a crosswalk, then this would allow those folks to make that decision without potentially being fined, you know, $150.”

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