Waikiki hotel incident raises railing safety concerns

HONOLULU (KHON2) — A frightening situation in Waikiki Tuesday afternoon after a 5th floor balcony railing at the Moana Surfrider Hotel came crashing down onto the beach.

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Luckily, no one was on the balcony when it happened and no one was seriously hurt below, but it’s raising concerns. A building expert said it may be a much larger problem.

National building expert Lance Luke was at the scene Tuesday afternoon and said it’s unsettling because it’s likely a much bigger problem.

“I think water is getting through on the top tile and penetrating to the concrete because that leaning edge which is ahead of the balcony, I could see horizontal rebar that was pretty corroded,” Luke explained. “I’m pretty sure that this is not the only unit like that. I think it’s a global thing. I’m looking the whole building.”

“Knowing that it fell without even any pressure being applied to it. What does that mean really?” KHON asked.

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