Unfolding the Meaning of ‘Mohala’: A Hawaiian Word of the Week for Our Community


The Hawaiian Word of the Week is ‘Mohala’. This term means unfolding or blossoming, like thoughts or flower petals. It’s often used in communication, suggesting that kind words can lead to desired outcomes, similar to how rain leads to lehua blossoms.

Mary Kawena Pukuʻi, in ʻŌlelo Noʻeau No. 1236, highlights this concept. She stresses the impact of words and the need for careful communication.

Kaleikūkamakani Ruiz, a counselor at Leeward Community College, adds to this. He says that well-chosen words can result in the ‘mohala’ one aims for. For more insight into ‘mohala’ and its use, the UH Hilo Wehewehe Wikiwiki is a good resource.

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This story was originally published here.