HONOLULU(KHON2) — A rash of burglaries in Kailua has residents on edge. And there’s one thing several of the homes that were hit have in common. An expert shares tips to help home owners deter criminals.
“That’s where they came in,” Alex Dale said standing in front of his side window.
He and his family are still shaken up after coming home from a weekend camping trip and discovering they’d been burglarized.
“We came home Sunday afternoon and my wife said, ‘The front door is open.’ I’m like, ‘No way’,” explained Dale. “And then we walked around and were unpacking and we noticed the louvers on the side of the house were stacked and the side the screen was off. They climbed through my window.”
He said they took of with a number of items
“My wife’s guitar. They got some of my son’s stuff, which is really weird, he’s five,” Dale added. “They got tools, like a generator, some money.”
He said the thieves even took his grandfathers dog tags from WWII, a memento he’d hoped to pass on to his son.