Bill aimed at targeting repeat violent offenders moves through legislature

HONOLULU (KHON2) — A three strike rule aimed at locking up habitual offenders for felonies is moving through the legislature.

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Bill 2347 would allow prosecutors to file felony charges for people with three assault convictions within a five year period.

A bill aimed at putting habitual offenders behind bars for a longer period of time is moving through the legislature.

If a person is convicted three times for the following misdemeanor assaults in a five year period, the prosecuting attorney can charge them with a Class C felony.

“Even though crime is down overall people don’t feel safe at the moment,” said prosecuting attorney Steve Alm.

He said most people don’t commit multiple misdemeanor crimes, but they are concerned with the ones who do.

“If they’re very violent and assaulting people left, right and center, we might try and get them sent to prison for five years. What’s more likely is they don’t have as bad a record, they have mental health issues, substance abuse issues,” Alm continued. “This would allow us because it would be a felony to put them on probation for five years and then they can get treatment, supervision.”

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