Honolulu Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 561 Incidents and 25 Crime Stories

Honolulu Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 561 Incidents and 25 Crime Stories


During the last week, the place of Honolulu reported a total of 561 crime cases, painting a concerning picture of the local security situation. The most frequent crime was theft, with 229 reported incidents, making up approximately 41% of the total cases. Arrests followed as the second most common incident with 160 cases, accounting for nearly 29% of the total. Assaults made up roughly 14% with 78 cases, while vandalism was reported 56 times, making up around 10% of the total cases. More serious crimes such as burglary and robbery were less frequent, with 25 and 9 cases respectively, accounting for approximately 4% and 2% of the total crimes. Disturbances were the least reported crime, with only 4 cases, making up less than 1% of the total. The data suggests a pressing need for increased efforts in theft and arrest prevention, as these crimes make up a significant portion of the total incidents in the place.

Incidents Last Week
Theft 229
Arrest 160
Assault 78
Vandalism 56
Burglary 25
Robbery 9
Disturbance 4

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