Fatality rate in Hawaii due to distracted driving twice as high as the mainland

HONOLULU(KHON2) — Hawaii’s fatality rate due to distracted driving is twice as high as the mainland and officials said it’s completely preventable. The Hawaii Transportation Department is urging drivers to pay attention with a simple message: ‘Eyes up, phones down.’

Arthur Brown lives in Honolulu.

“It’s dangerous out here for pedestrians,” Brown said.

One of the most common things he sees: distracted drivers.

“I see it a lot,” he added. “Eating, cell phone, talking to the passenger and not looking at the driveway, looking at the road at.”

Honolulu resident Ky Lawson said more people need to understand how dangerous it is.

“I don’t even pick up my phone when I’m driving cause I have to focus,” she said. “If I’m looking at anything else, I’ll probably get into an accident.”

Robin Shishido, Hawaii Department of Transportation Deputy Director for Highways, said it’s a huge problem.

“Going at 55 miles an hour, taking your eyes off the road for five seconds, I mean, any error that’s gonna lead to a crash,” he explained.

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