1.5K marchers expected in Kaimuki Christmas Parade

KAIMUKI, Hawaii (KHON2) — It’s been a tradition for many years. The annual Kaimuki Christmas parade will march up Waialae Avenue on Wednesday, Dec. 5 evening. WakeUp2Day’s Chris Latronic went live in Kaimuki with more.

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The parade is sponsored by the Kaimuki Business and Professional Association and is expected to have 1,500 marchers, 30 vehicles and three bands.

This day sends aloha to keiki, kupuna, ohana across the islands

The march will start at the St. Louis High School and Chaminade University grounds, up Waialae Avenue, towards Koko Head Avenue with its endpoint at the Municipal Parking Lot.

The parade will be on makai half of Waialae Avenue while the mauka half will be contra-flowed from 3rd Ave to Koko Head Avenue.

Waialae will be closed one hour prior at 5 p.m.

The event is free for all, featuring local elementary and high schools, businesses, several bands, girl and boy scouts, local healthcare facilities, legislators and council representatives, the Fire Department, motorcycle groups, dogs, clown, and, of course, Santa!

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