State Officials Urge Caution After ‘Rare’ Sea Snake ‘More Venomous Than a Cobra’ Washes Up on Hawaii Beach

The live three-foot yellow-bellied sea snake that washed ashore at Honoli’i Beach is “potentially lethal to humans”

Beachgoers in Hawaii should be suspicious of eels that wash up on shore — as they may actually be lethal snakes.

On Feb. 4, a Hilo resident spotted a live snake “pinned under a log” on Honoli’i Beach and reported the sighting to the Department of Land and Natural Resources. According to the Office of Governor Josh Green, M.D. , Hawaii’s Department of Agriculture’s Plant Quarantine Branch ( PQB ) was called to the scene to collect the three-foot-long yellow-bellied sea snake, which lifeguards had trapped under a 5-gallon bucket before they arrived.

Related: Venomous Snake Found Inside Box of Bananas at New Hampshire Grocery Store…

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