As a security attendant at Nānākuli High and Intermediate School, Kaui Asinsin often felt overwhelmed by the frequent fights on campus, including a week in 2022 with more than two dozen fights and a mob that ended with a student in the hospital.
Asinsin left the job after less than a year and started petitioning the neighborhood board to better protect students by putting police officers on campus.
“I was just on a mission, like, let’s go find some help and see what we can get for our students and our community,” she said. As a parent with kids at the school, she felt that trained law enforcement officers called school resource officers would help calm the violence.
After several years of petitioning, that’s becoming a reality. Honolulu, the only county in Hawaiʻi that does not have school resource officers, will have police officers stationed at several Oʻahu schools starting next school year, according to Honolulu police and elected officials…