Native Houstonian Jeff Louis on cusp on making inaugural Olympic break dancing team

He’s currently ranked as one of the

five best break dancers on the planet

. Yet, moments before a performance, Jeff Louis is not quite sure how it’s going to go.

The video above is from ABC13’s 24/7 livestream.

“I never know exactly what I’m gonna do,” Jeff admitted to ABC13. “Even 30 seconds before the music starts.”

However, when he get going and his skills start showing, it’s breathtaking.

The 29-year-old, known as B-Boy Jeffro during competition, credits his older brother for helping get his breaking career off on the right foot back in middle school.

“I like to describe my style as a vibe of explosions,” Louis shared. “And what I mean by that is, the vibe? You’re gonna feel it. It doesn’t matter if you’re my opponent. You’re gonna feel it. I’m gonna feel it. The crowd is gonna feel it.”

Despite his current success, it wasn’t long ago when Jeff felt the walls closing in on his craft.

The alumnus of Westside High School and the University of Houston said that when he realized that his chosen career path was not going to be profitable and that his parents didn’t support his passion, he felt that all too familiar uncertainty.

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