Local Deer Breeding Ranch Loses Lawsuit Against Texas Animal Health Commission


The Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston recently made a decision on a case involving the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC). The case was about the regulation of white-tailed deer by the TAHC to prevent chronic wasting disease (CWD). RW Trophy Ranch, a deer breeding ranch in northeast Texas, brought the case forward.

In February 2021, three deer from RW died of pneumonia, and one tested positive for CWD. As a result, the TAHC issued a Hold Order in May 2021. This order required RW to limit the movement of all CWD susceptible species on the ranch. In June 2021, a Quarantine Order was issued, confining all CWD-susceptible species to the ranch.

In August 2021, RW tested 49 bucks for CWD. They planned to release these deer to their 1,500 acre ranch for hunting season. The TAHC stated that RW needed to agree to a herd management plan before any releases could be made.

RW received two proposed herd plans, both requiring the euthanization of all of RW’s white-tailed deer. RW appealed this decision. They objected to the herd plan and wanted to discuss the 49 bucks that had tested negative for CWD. The TAHC held a phone meeting with RW but did not issue a written decision or hold a hearing on this appeal.

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