‘Everybody knows it’s wrong’ homeowner fumes after he’s arrested for parking on his own land – his neighbor was hit too

A HOMEOWNER was arrested after he temporarily parked his truck on his driveway to wash it.

In doing so, Joseph Fallin from Baytown, Texas, had unknowingly violated a city ordinance, a Class C misdemeanor.

Parking on the lawn in Baytown is against city ordinance and is a Class C misdemeanor Credit: ABC 13

The incident in 2018 was reported to the city after someone took a picture of the truck parked on the lawn.

A citation for the violation was mailed to Fallin though he says he never received it.

As a result, he missed a court date, and an arrest warrant was issued and police picked him up a year later in 2019.

“They arrested me for that,” he told ABC News affiliate KTRK on Thursday.

“My first time ever being arrested. Absolutely ridiculous.

“I was like ‘No way, absolutely no way,’ – I knew it was wrong.”

Following his arrest, Fallin sued the city, and the issue was settled.

“I had to get bonded out,” Fallin said on Facebook.

“I got a settlement and part of it was to bring it before the counsel (sic) to amend.”

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