Urgent Alert: Armed Teens in Stolen Car Threaten Texas Preschool, Police Across State on High Alert

Two teenagers, identified as 16-year-olds Quintin Damon Wyrick and Otis David Edlund, have become subjects of a cross-state law enforcement alert after they were accused of making threats against a preschool in Texas. The alert originated from police in Lander, Wyoming, who have reason to believe that the teens, reportedly armed with stolen firearms and driving a stolen car, are possibly en route to League City, near Houston. The concerning element of this situation is their communicated intent to “shoot up a preschool in Texas,” which they allegedly shared via text with a friend.

This alarming situation prompts a significant law enforcement response, as the teens are believed to be traveling in a distinctive white, 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle with a black top and a black stripe down the side, bearing Wyoming license plates. The route speculated to be taken by the teens would lead them through Amarillo, Texas, though the Amarillo Police Department has stated that the threat does not specify any daycare or preschool within their jurisdiction. Despite the lack of specificity, local authorities are not taking any chances.

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