These proud conservatives love wind turbines and solar power. Here’s why.

HOUSTON – Green lawns and trees shimmered in 100-degree heat at the Houstonian resort last week as an unexpected gathering got underway.

Inside, the smell of BBQ hung in the air and a ballroom resounded with praise for Donald Trump, admiration of America’s heartland and a love of conservative values.

Also solar power. And wind turbines. And nuclear energy.

“Clean is right,” said John Szoka, smiling at the play on words.

He’s the CEO of the Conservative Energy Network, sponsor of last week’s Conservative Energy Summit in Houston. Founded in 2016, this year for the first time it brought together more than 200 people from around the country to discuss how best to champion energy sources they believe will restore American energy leadership, save people money, create jobs and secure the power grid.

While conservative voices have never been absent from discussions around clean energy, the network is part of a new “eco-right” that’s emerged to make a conservative case for climate work or at least carbon-neutral energy.

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