Gang member sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to killing 5 in Houston murder spree

Christian Cavazos reigned terror throughout 2019, and now the 22-year-old documented gang member will spend life in prison.

Cavazos pled guilty to murdering five people after prosecutors revealed some of the murders were captured on video and posted on social media platforms.

“He kept hunting my son down like an animal,” Shamilwa McGowan said after Judge Te’iva Bell sentenced Cavazos.

McGowan’s son, Ryan, was killed by Cavazos in September 2019. Ryan was shot to death in the backseat of a car in the 11300 block of Windfern in northwest Harris County.

McGowan was the first of three mothers of Cavazos’ victims to take the stand during today’s sentencing, where she blamed Cavazos for her pain. She looked straight at a stoic, emotionless Cavazos during her 10-minute statement.

“I’m not scared of you,” she told Eyewitness News in a message to her son’s killer. “I wanted him to know: I see you but I want you to see me. You didn’t take my power.”

Nineteen days after killing Ryan, Cavazos killed again. He murdered Ramiro and Rosalba (or Rosalva) Reyes in the early hours of September 25, 2019, as they parked their purple Dodge Charger in front of their house on Francitas Drive in northwest Harris County. The couple had just gotten home from the hospital after Rosalba’s mother had died. The Reyes’ murder was one of the first Courtney Fischer stories featured on ABC13’s Unsolved series.

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