Commissioners looking into pipeline fire prevention after Deer Park blast

The criminal investigation into why someone crashed into a pipeline in La Porte, causing a massive fire, is still underway.

In the meantime, we still don’t have any more information on the person found dead inside the SUV, which police say crashed through a fence and into the above-ground pipeline.

As all that is being sorted out, conversations on how this can be prevented are beginning at the county level.

The county is planning to submit a commissioners’ court item as it determines whether and how to regulate or enforce extra security measures at above-ground pipeline infrastructures across our area, similar to the one in La Porte.

In an ABC13 one-on-one with Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, she spoke about her mission to try to prevent this from happening again.

“Is there something, some way that we can require additional safety, whether it be on the side of additional barriers around the infrastructure or whether it be on the side of? Let’s think about where we build,” Hidalgo said.

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