Eagle fans worry about missing chick as Jackie and Shadow protect eaglets amid heavy snow, 100-mph winds

Braving the storm: Jackie and Shadow, the renowned bald eagle pair of Big Bear Valley, protect their new eaglets amidst 80-100 mph winds and heavy snow.

As a powerful storm hit California, bringing heavy rain and feet of mountain snow, eagle life in Big Bear Valley faced a tough challenge: Winds reached up to 100 mph, and the snow kept piling up. Amid this harsh weather, a remarkable scene unfolded in the nest high up in a pine tree.

Bald eagle Jackie huddled in her nest, protecting her new eaglets. Friends of Big Bear Valley, which operates the 24/7 livestreamed camera mounted above Jackie and Shadow’s nest in Southern California’s San Bernardino Mountains, observed the eagle’s resilience in an update on Facebook. “Jackie is such an amazing mom. Despite the storms, she always shows her strength as she covers and protects her chicks.”…

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