Another court filing against the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission

MONTGOMERY, Ala. ( WHNT ) — Another court filing has been made in the case against the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission. Patients say they are suffering, and some argue the commission has been unfair in their licensing process.

“I became a medical refugee,” said Amanda Taylor, a medical cannabis patient and advocate. “I literally put what I could fit in my car and drove all the way across the country.”

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Taylor drove across the country to get help for her gastroparesis and multiple sclerosis. She said that help came in the form of medical cannabis. Taylor said the ongoing lawsuits keep her paying thousands of dollars for medicine that doesn’t help her like cannabis does.

“It would give fifty to sixty thousand patients, including myself, the opportunity to end their suffering,” said Taylor.

Taylor said these lawsuits are out of greed. But Will Somerville, whose client was not awarded a license, said this is not true.

Story continues