Ten Point Coalition looks to expand, in need of volunteers

INDIANAPOLIS — There is a call-out for volunteers who want to take charge in their neighborhoods to curb violence before it even starts.

The organizers at Indy Ten Point Coalition want to expand their team and recruit more people to patrol hot spot areas of violent crime.

Rev. Charles Harrison said they have received requests from the community to expand the Ten Point Coalition into other parts of Indianapolis but in order to do that, it needs more volunteers.

The faith based organization focuses on curbing patterns of violence in youth and young adults.

Volunteers focus on the following areas:

  • Butler–Tarkington (38th to 42nd streets)
  • Crown Hill Zone #1 (34th to 38th streets)
  • Crown Hill Zone #2 (30th to 33rd streets)
  • Highland Vicinity
  • 29th Street and MLK (2-block radius)
  • Carriage House East Apartments (South of 42nd St. and Mitthoeffer Rd.)
  • Gas Stations and businesses at 38th St. and Mitthoeffer Rd.
  • Gas Station and businesses at 38th St. and German Church Rd.

Rev. Harrison said last year, murders in those communities decreased.
“Five out of eight hot spot areas that Ten Point patrols did not see any criminal homicides,” said Rev. Harrison.

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