Bill would allow drivers to opt out of the BMV selling their personal info

INDIANAPOLIS— A state lawmaker wants to give drivers the option to say “no thanks” to the state selling their personal information.

Rep. Greg Porter, D-Indianapolis, filed House Bill 1100 which would stop the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) from selling driver data for people ages 65 and older as well as teenagers younger than 21.

“We want to protect Hoosiers’ identity and their credit,” said Porter. “You go get a driver’s license, your information is being sold.” Vic Ryckaert/WRTV
Rep. Greg Porter

Porter filed HB 1100 in direct response to a WRTV Investigation that found the BMV has collected $263 million over the last 10 years (2012-2023) from selling driver information.

“This legislation was filed because of our conversations and your reporting of last year,” said Porter to WRTV Investigates Kara Kenney.

PREVIOUS | Indiana BMV makes millions selling your personal information

Porter’s bill would also allow the state Board of Finance to transfer funds to the BMV any funding shortfalls that happen as a result of the legislation.

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