Letters: Religious freedom, Mike Braun’s non-answers and Blue Line lanes

Here’s what community members had to say in recent letters to the editor we received. Submit your own thoughts here .

No one is taking away religious freedom

I would like to respond to Deborah A. O’Malley’s Jan. 14 column, “RFRA is not enough. Indiana needs more religious freedom.”

Her claims that Indiana has weak protections for religious liberty and that religious freedom should be championed by all Indiana lawmakers seems to be written to stir up the public and make everyone worried that someone is taking away their religious freedom. However, she writes, “Medical practitioners and healthcare payers have the right to refuse participation in practices and procedures that conflict with their religious, moral or ethical beliefs.”

I tend to think that her real goal is to encourage everyone to think that lawmakers have the wisdom and skills to make laws about medical care especially for care pertaining to family planning and pregnancy. Both of those cases are very personal and should be under full control of the woman involved, her doctor and her family if she wants them involved.

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