Failed Indy Mayor Candidate Is Reminded Of Alleged Rape After Failed Smear

Failed GOP Indy Mayor Candidate Abdul Shabazz finds himself embroiled in a new controversy after being called out by Indiana Congressional Candidate Gabe Whitley. The unfolding drama began when Whitley, facing accusations of sexism from Indy Politics, retaliated with serious allegations against Shabazz and others.

Gabe Whitley tells Abdul Shabazz he has no room to talk about sexism.Photo by–6PQ

The situation sheds light on the intersection of personal and political, as Whitley accuses Shabazz of orchestrating a smear campaign against him. The failed defamation lawsuit and two grievances filed against Shabazz’s law license by Whitley become central to the narrative, suggesting a possible motive behind the negative coverage.

Indy Politics’ article, which Whitley claims spreads misinformation about him being sexist, becomes a focal point in this escalating dispute. Whitley’s counterclaims aim to not only defend his reputation but also to redirect attention to the alleged misdeeds of those making accusations against him.

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