The 3rd Richest Person in Indiana

Forbes published its annual list of the richest people on the planet with its billionaire’s list. These billionaires are worth $4.5 trillion, and the cutoff to make the list stands at a record-tying $2.9 billion.

Today, I will uncover the second-richest person in Bloomington, Indiana, and the third-richest person in the state.

According to Forbes Magazine, three billionaires on the Forbes 400 consider Indiana home. One of them is Carl Cook, who lives in Bloomington, Indiana, with a net worth of $ 9.8 billion. He is the 75th richest person in the country.

Who is Carl Cook?

Carl Cook was born in Bloomington, Indiana, on November 10, 1962. He has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Purdue University and an MBA from the University of Iowa.

After graduation, Cook worked with his family’s company, the Cook Group, a medical devices company founded by his late father, William Cook, and his mother, Gayle Cook, in 1963.

In 2011, his father died, and Carl Cook became the owner and chief executive officer of Cook Group. He was 49 years old.

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