Southern Baptists to decide whether to formally ban churches with women pastors

Southern Baptists already can kick out churches that believe women can serve as pastors. They did it last year — and they did it Tuesday night.

On Wednesday, thousands of delegates will decide whether to enshrine that ban on such churches in the Southern Baptist Convention’s constitution, stiffening its position on an issue that has caused years of consternation in the United States ‘ largest Protestant denomination. It is the final day of the SBC’s two-day annual meeting in Indianapolis .

The SBC’s nonbinding statement of faith already declares only men are qualified for the role of pastor. It’s interpreted differently across the denomination, with some believing it doesn’t apply to associate pastors so long as the senior pastor is male.

The proposed amendment, which received preliminary approval last year, would formally exclude churches that have women in any pastoral positions, from lead pastor to associates. Supporters believe it is biblically necessary, estimating hundreds of Southern Baptist churches have women in those roles.

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