Indy bicyclists report being chased by coyotes

Mountain bikers report being chased by coyotes

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Indianapolis bicyclists say they are experiencing coyote attacks at Town Run Trail Park.

Town Run Trail Park, on the northeast side of the city, is a 7.25-mile mountain biking and running loop. It hosts avid trail riders every day.

Bicyclists first started reporting coyote attacks about a month ago, according to local mountain biker John Leonard.

“The way the trail is set up, the coyotes are going to have the advantage if they want to get you,” Leonard said.

According to Indiana Department of Natural Resources, coyotes typically are seen in the morning and night.

In a highly uncharacteristic move, coyotes have been seen at Town Run Trail Park in broad daylight.

Coyotes are also known to typically eat small mammals, including rabbits and squirrels.

In addition, “coyotes are elusive and normally avoid humans,” DNR says.

“It’s a dangerous sport to begin with,” Leonard said. “Typically, though, you are coming across snakes, you see the occasional bald eagle out here, deer, not usually a coyote, so coyotes are the new ones this year.”

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