‘Lake Wallace’ continues to frustrate Indy residents; City has no plans to fix

INDIANAPOLIS — People living at 36th and Wallace Ave. say every time it rains, water accumulates on the driveway forcing cars to drive into their yards, turn around and even trap some.

They call it Lake Wallace and have been reaching out for years, but haven’t been able to get it resolved.

“Don’t let it get cold and freeze! It turns into ice. It’s hectic, and it’s ugly. It’s unnecessary, and it’s not right,” said Renita Trice.

When it rains, it pours for Trice, her mother and her neighbors.

Under the water are potholes, some measuring 4 and a half inches deep.

“Transportation wouldn’t come through this to come in our driveway to pick up my mother for her appointments. Now, that’s bad,” said Trice…

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