Indiana DNR Calls This Common Tree “an Invasive Nightmare” and You Probably Have One in Your Yard

This common tree has been called an “invasive nightmare.” Indiana DNR strongly recommends against having this tree in your yard.

Invasive Species Awareness

Recently, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources hosted an Invasive Species Awareness week on Facebook. During this week, they highlighted a different kind of invasive plant each day. So what makes a plant invasive?

Here is what the Indiana DNR defines an “invasive species” as:

Invasive species are plants, animals, and diseases that are not native to the area in question and have or are likely to cause environmental, human health, or financial harm in Indiana. Many invasive species have entered Indiana or are a threat to arrive in our state. You can fight back by learning the signs, reporting sightings, and taking precautions.

Each day of Invasive Species Week, Indiana DNR highlighted a different plant species that causes issues for our native plants and ecosystem. They wrapped up Invasive Species Week by highlighting a very common invasive tree that you just might have in your own backyard.

An Invasive Nightmare: The Callery (Bradford) Pear

The Bradford Pear tree is well known around our area; they bloom early in the spring, and the leaves stay on until late fall. These trees are so common to the Tri-State that you may think they are native. However, they are not native and have been said to be a complete menace to native plants…

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