The heat is on! Here’s how to protect your pets

High temperatures, sun and humidity can cause stress, dehydration, heat stroke and other serious health issues for pets, livestock and wildlife.

Fort Worth Animal Care & Control (FWACC) has a ton of top tips to help keep all of our furry friends safe and cool during the brutal summer months ahead.

For Pets (Cats, Dogs, etc.)

Provide ample water

  • Always ensure pets have access to fresh, cool water. Use multiple water bowls if necessary.
  • Add ice cubes to their water to keep it cool longer.

Offer shade and shelter

  • Provide shaded areas where pets can escape the sun.
  • Use pet-safe sunblock on exposed skin (like the nose and ears) for breeds susceptible to sunburn.

Avoid overheating

  • Walk pets early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are lower.
  • Avoid hot pavements, which can burn their paws. If the pavement is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for your pet’s paws.
  • Never leave pets in a parked car, even with windows cracked. Temperatures inside a car can rise rapidly to dangerous levels.

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