Opinion: First In Cruelty, Last In Anything Good, There’s A Reason They Say ‘Mississippi, Goddam’


Mary Moore Glenn, mother of Marrio Moore, 40, left, Gretchen Hankins, mother of Jonathan Hankins, 39, center, and Bettersten Wade, mother of Dexter Wade, 37, hold photographs of their deceased sons during a news conference in Jackson, Mississippi on Dec. 20, 2023, where they expressed their sentiments regarding their sons being buried by authorities in unmarked graves in the Hinds County Pauper’s Field in Raymond, without the families’ knowledge for extended periods of time.

My sister once told me a story that I found almost impossible to believe. When we were teens (back in the yesteryear of the 1990s), she said she traveled back in time. I know. I know. I made the same face that you’re making right now as you are reading this. But she was convinced it happened. She talked about this place where Blacks could only go rollerskating on Saturday because Sunday was for the whites. She claimed that there were no signs stating this, but everyone knew. She talked about the racism being so palpable that she could feel it. She talked about how she couldn’t wait to leave.

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