Henifin cites high water demand amid Jackson line breaks

JACKSON, Miss. ( WJTV ) – Ted Henifin, Interim Third Party Manager, provided an update on last week’s water issues in Jackson.

“The plants actually produced a peak of 84 million gallons for a period of time during the during the disaster,” he stated.

According to Henifin, JXN Water crews worked hard over the year to make sure everyone was prepared for the cold. He said the plants did not falter.

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“We had all those 14 crews working, but I think the demand on the on the public side through the media was what really killed us overall. And that peaked at a really bad time. We really think as a result of that misinformation post on social media, really well timed. You know, we were coming through a day, a challenging day on Wednesday during the recovery, as things were falling, things were breaking. We were putting a lot of water out,” he said.

JXN Water officials said the social media post resulted in people filling up bathtubs and jugs at home. They said the demand for water usage was well above average and resulted in low water pressure for most customers.

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