How has Rodney changed?

RODNEY, Miss. ( WJTV ) – There are places in Mississippi that I travel to from time to time, just to see for myself how they’ve changes.

The Town of Rodney is one of those places. I had a few minutes recently to find my way down the old roads.

A handful of people still live in Rodney. The population swells during deer season with all of the hunting camps in or near the town.

I’ve been doing stories in Rodney pretty music all of my television career. I go back every so often so see what’s left of the place.

Winter brings migratory birds to Mississippi

Over the holidays, I saw some pictures posted on Facebook taken at Rodney recently. I was shocked to a degree, because the place seems to have aged a good bit more since the last time I was there.

Rodney has done little but age over the decades, starting just after the Civil War when the Mississippi River deserted it by a mile or so, changing course to the west. Then the railroad bypassed it in favor of a flatter, more inland route through Jefferson County than the bluffs along the river where Rodney is.

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