Split City Council approves legislation in reaction to Deegan using single source contract

Any future no-bid selection of a firm to do lobbying or grant-writing for the city of Jacksonville will have to get City Council approval, a reaction by council to Mayor Donna Deegan awarding a contract for federal lobbying and grant-writing to a campaign supporter after her office determined no other firm in the nation could do the work.

Council voted 12-6 for the legislation that City Council member Nick Howland said will bring single source selections for lobbying and grant-writing “into the light” by ensuring the full council can ask about the justification for them.

“Do we think politically connected lobbying firms should be given sole source contracts in the city without our City Council oversight?” Howland said. “I don’t think they should. Transparency is a bipartisan issue.”

Nate Monroe:Jacksonville City Council, mayor, sheriff all botch no-bid contracts

Contract award:Mayor Donna Deegan approves no-bid contract for a firm that backed her campaign

Nick Howland bill:Legislation for certain no-bid contracts to go through Jacksonville City Council

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