Take Our Border Back Caravan Off to Sputtering Start

The ‘Take Our Border Back’ convoy, initiated in Virginia Beach, aimed to travel to the Texas–Mexico border as a gesture of support for Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s stance against federal immigration policies. Organizers anticipated a massive turnout, with claims of up to 40,000 trucks joining. However, Vice reports that the reality was starkly different. The convoy, which ended up in Jacksonville, Florida, comprised only 20 vehicles, far short of expectations. The journey was marred by logistical issues, slashed tires, lost participants, and an overarching sense of paranoia.

Controversies and Challenges

The convoy’s purpose was to back Governor Abbott’s decision to install razor wire along the border in Eagle Pass, Texas. Initially, there were claims of plans to actively hunt down migrants in collaboration with law enforcement, but these assertions were later retracted. The group’s internal communications revealed discussions about “exterminating” migrants and involvement of figures like Ryan Sanchez, a known white nationalist. The first day of the convoy was chaotic, with slashed tires, a last-minute change in the meeting point, and disagreements about travel plans.

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