City of Jacksonville investigating runoff concern

As far as the potential runoff concern from last week, the City of Jacksonville EQD has staff actively investigating at this time.

They will let us know of the outcome of their investigation.

FDEP Department staff coordinated with the City of Jacksonville and conducted a site investigation on Friday, January 26, to attempt to locate the source for the sedimentation runoff event.

A potential source was identified and staff are currently coordinating with the St. Johns River Water Management District to ensure the site is meeting all applicable rules and regulations.


In regard to the Rise Doro fire, Riverkeeper has been in contact with the agencies including City of Jacksonville, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, as well as the Coast Guard.

The morning of the fire, JFRD confirmed no foam, only water had been used to extinguish the fire.

The Coast Guard was the lead in investigating and fortunately they have confirmed that firefighting foam was not used. That foam is known to contain PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals.” In addition, there was no evidence of harmful runoff from anything that may have been in the building.

Story continues