A popular pizza place in Florida just closed two stores suddenly and didn’t say why

It’s widely acknowledged that Florida is a melting pot of cultures and tastes, especially when it comes to food. People hailing from pizza capitals like Detroit, Chicago, or New York often land in the Sunshine State only to lament that Florida’s pizza just doesn’t hit the same, mostly blaming the water. Yet, lifelong Floridians are quick to challenge this notion, pointing to local gems like Piesanos in The Villages and Gainesville’s Satchel’s Pizza as examples of Florida’s ability to dish out some seriously good pies.

Amidst this pizza debate, a favorite among many, Biggie’s Pizza, has suddenly shuttered the doors of two of its locations, leaving pizza aficionados scratching their heads without much of an explanation.

For New Yorkers turned Floridians missing a taste of home, Biggie’s Pizza had been a beacon of hope. Renowned for its New York-style pizza, Biggie’s pledged to deliver superior food at fair prices, a promise that led to its expansion to three locations since its inception in 2016. Its reputation was cemented in 2022 when Yelp named Biggie’s one of the Top 100 Places for Pizza in the U.S., a nod that resonated with pizza lovers across the nation.

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